The series 1 Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Pez were produced in the mid 1990's. There are 4 characters in the TMNT pez dispenser set - Leonardo with a blue mask, Donatello with a purple mask, Raphael with a red mask and Michaelangelo with an orange mask. Each character comes in both a smiling version and an angry version and each of these came on 8 different color stems - red, purple, orange, green, yellow, blue, black and teal. Wow - collect 'em all!
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Series I Pez
TMNT Angry Donatello Purple mask on Black Stem Pez
TMNT Angry Donatello Purple mask on Blue Stem Pez
TMNT Angry Donatello Purple mask on Green Stem Pez
TMNT Angry Donatello Purple mask on Orange Stem Pez
TMNT Angry Donatello Purple mask on Purple Stem Pez
TMNT Angry Donatello Purple mask on Red Stem Pez
TMNT Angry Donatello Purple mask on Yellow Stem Pez
TMNT Angry Leonardo Blue mask on Black Stem Pez
TMNT Angry Leonardo Blue mask on Green Stem Pez
TMNT Angry Leonardo Blue mask on Orange Stem Pez
TMNT Angry Leonardo Blue mask on Purple Stem Pez
TMNT Angry Leonardo Blue mask on Red Stem Pez
TMNT Angry Leonardo Blue mask on Yellow Stem Pez
TMNT Angry Michaelangelo Orange mask on Black Stem Pez
TMNT Angry Michaelangelo Orange mask on Green Stem Pez
TMNT Angry Michaelangelo Orange mask on Orange Stem Pez