Phineas, Ferb and Perry Pez

Candace Pez Dispenser MIB from Phineas and Ferb assortment MIB

Candace Pez from Phineas and Ferb assortment Loose

Dr. Doofenshmirtz Pez from Phineas and Ferb Loose

Dr. Doofenshmirtz Pez from Phineas and Ferb MIB

Ferb Fletcher Pez Dispenser from Phineas and Ferb Loose

Perry the Platapus Pez Dispenser from Phineas and Ferb Loose

Phineas and Ferb plus Perry Pez Set MIB

Phineas Flynn Pez Dispenser Loose

Phineas Flynn Pez Dispenser MIB