Pez Smart Vitamin Brainy Girl on Purple Stem Loose

This is Pez Smart Girl on a Purple stem. Pez International released the Pez Smart Dispensers which are sold with Pez Candies for “clever minds” to pharmacy stores in Austria. The dispensers feature ‘brainy’ smart boy and ‘brainy’ smart girl characters on 6 different stems. The heads are wearing a mortar board similar to our graduation caps and the top of the head under the cap is hinged to reveal a small chamber in the top.  

According to an article online, the Pez candies sold with these Smart dispensers will be formulated to enhance concentration and brainpower. “The sugar-free candies contain water-soluble vitamins, minerals, trace elements and L-glutamine. The candies provide the vitamins B1, B2, B3, B6 and B12, all of which are essential for various metabolic processes, for boosting the brain’s ability to retain information and concentrate, and for diminishing forgetfulness. Vitamin C is included for general well-being and energy, backed up by magnesium, selenium, zinc and L-glutamine. Minerals and trace elements boost the brain’s metabolism, the development of brain functions and enhance the ability to concentrate and work. The little PEZ candies contain concentrated power. Two of the mini refills that this dispenser takes (one refill contains six candies) supplies 100% of the recommended daily intake of valuable vitamins and minerals. PEZ smart contains no artificial colours or flavourings, and it’s also sugar-free and contains xylitol for strong teeth.” The Pez Collectors Store makes no claims about these, other than that the dispensers are really cute. The Smart Pez have been released through pharmacies or drug stores in Austria, but we have added them to the Pez Collectors Store for pez collectors everywhere! This Pez Smart comes loose and ready to display! 

  • 1 Units in Stock


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