It is always helpful to be informed about the value of particular dispensers. Price guides are a great way to get a general idea of the prices for particular pieces! LaSpina's Price guide is up to date as it is reissued each year and it is a great way to keep track of your collection as it has check boxes to make notes of your pez. Peterson's guide is full of pictures to help you identify your pez and determine which version of Mickey Mouse or Donald duck you have! Warman's guide is perfect for carrying with you to have quick and easy access to a price guide with pictures! These are for sale here.
Pez Price Guides
Displaying 1 to 4 (of 4 Products)

Collecting Pez by David Welch (1994)
Collecting Pez by David Welch (1994 copyright) is a must for serious pez collectors. David's interviews with past presidents tell the tales and provide a great deal of history of the company and their products through the years. It is a treasure trove of great PEZ trivia and knowledge and provides a firm foundation into the history of the company that the hobby is built upon. This 344 page book has lots of photos that won't be seen elsewhere! The copy is new but may...
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Collectors Guide to PEZ Identification and Price Guide 3rd ed
Shawn Peterson's Collector's Guide to PEZ Identification and Price Guide is a must have for PEZ Collectors. It is full of photos of various pez and gives plenty of information regarding their release date, price ranges and availability! The photos are really helpful in distinguishing a Mickey Mouse A from a Mickey Mouse D! The 2008 Collector's Guide to Pez Identification and Price guide, 3rd edition by Shawn Peterson is a definite need to have as...
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LaSpina 2023 Price Guide to PEZ 34th Edition
The Original Collector's Price Guide to PEZ is now in it's 34th edition! This handy spiral bound book lists all known head variations for different dispensers from vintage to current, providing a price range and handy check boxes for tracking your collection! The 34th edition has all the newest dispensers and sections for mini pez, Funko POP!+PEZ, and for non-pez candy collectibles such as Totems, TV Pals, Yummy and Zepher dispensers! This edition contains over 300...
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LaSpina 2024 Price Guide to PEZ 35th Edition
The Original Collector's Price Guide to PEZ is now in it's 35th edition! This handy spiral bound book lists all known head variations for different dispensers from vintage to current, providing a price range and handy check boxes for tracking your collection! The 35th edition has all the newest dispensers and sections for mini pez, Funko POP!+PEZ, and for non-pez candy collectibles such as Totems, TV Pals, Yummy and Zepher dispensers! This edition contains over 325...
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Featured Pez - Pez Price Guides