In the 1990's, Steve Glew, a USA pez dealer, worked a deal with the European Pez Company - Pez International, to produce pez in various neon colors using existing molds. Steve paid large amounts of money to have these dispensers produced and then shortly after he received his order, Pez Company began producing the same product in an even larger variety of color combinations. These were labeled as Misfits, and were packaged on the generic Pez card with a Misfit sticker and were sold through online sales and mail order. The misfits include Witch, Voodoo mama, diablo, skull, snowman, elephant, lion, david lion and others on various stem colors. The story behind the Misfit Pez is told in The Pez Outlaw Movie!
Misfit Pez Offers

Glew Brown Bear Pez on Neon Red Stem Gold Tongue Floating Candies

Glew Icee Bear Pez Black Face on Neon Pink Stem Gold Tongue MOC

Misfit David Lion Kooky Zoo Pez Neon Yellow Stem Loose

Misfit David Lion Kooky Zoo Pez on Green Stem Loose

Misfit David Lion Kooky Zoo Pez on Orange Stem Loose

Misfit Kooky Zoo David Lion Pez Neon Yellow Stem MOC Offer 418

Misfit Kooky Zoo David Lion Pez on Green Stem MOC Pez Offer 418

Misfit Kooky Zoo David Lion Pez on Orange Stem MOC for Taiwan

Misfit Kooky Zoo David Lion Pez on Orange Stem MOC Pez Offer 418

Misfit Kooky Zoo Pink Elephant Pez on Green Stem Loose

Misfit Snowman Pez on Green Stem Loose

Misfit Snowman Pez on Green Stem Mint on Striped Card for Taiwan

Misfit Snowman Pez on Orange Stem Loose

Misfit Snowman Pez on White Stem Pez Offer 416 Loose

Misfit Snowman Red Face, White Hat Blue Stem Mint on Euro Striped Card