Halloween Pez

The most recent Halloween Pez included the glow in the dark series with some older characters such as Slimy Sid, Happy Henry, Naughty Neil, Polly Pumpkin, Witch, and Skull as well as a remade witch,  mummy, skeleton, a remade pumpkin, black cat, a black bat and a Vampire.  These really glow and can be seen well in a dark room at night!
Displaying 65 to 78 (of 78 Products)
(image for) Three Piece Witch Pez Blood Red Hair on 3.4 Austria

Three Piece Witch Pez Blood Red Hair on 3.4 Austria

This 3 piece witch pez has separate head, hat and hair pieces, thus is called the three piece witch. This is the version with the deep blood red hair It comes on a 3.4 no feet Austria IMC 2 red stem in excellent condition! Every one of these pez looks a bit different based on the paint placement of the eyes so every one is unique. Comes loose and ready to display!

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(image for) Three Piece Witch Pez Blood Red Hair on Red 3.9 Austria thin feet

Three Piece Witch Pez Blood Red Hair on Red 3.9 Austria thin feet

This 3 piece witch pez has separate head, hat and hair pieces, thus is called the three piece witch. It comes on a 3.9 thin feet Austria IMC 3 red stem in excellent condition! This one has blood red hair rather than the orangish red usually found, shown on the right for comparison.  Every one of these pez looks a bit different based on the paint placement of the eyes so every one is unique. The blood red hair 3 piece witch pez comes loose and ready...

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(image for) Three Piece Witch Pez on Red 3.9 Austria thin feet

Three Piece Witch Pez on Red 3.9 Austria thin feet

This 3 piece witch pez has separate head, hat and hair pieces, thus is called the three piece witch. It comes on a 3.9 thin feet Austria IMC 3 red stem in excellent condition! Every one of these pez looks a bit different based on the paint placement of the eyes so every one is unique. Comes loose and ready to display!

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(image for) Toti the Skeleton Glow-In-The-Dark Pez MIP

Toti the Skeleton Glow-In-The-Dark Pez MIP

Toti the Skeleton was first released in 2003 with a revised glow in the dark Halloween series.  This Toti the Skeleton Pez dispenser comes mint in bag with pez candies.

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(image for) Toti the Skeleton Pez Glow In the Dark Loose!

Toti the Skeleton Pez Glow In the Dark Loose!

Toti the Skeleton Pez has a glow in the dark head and stem.  It was released in 2003 as a part of the new glow in the dark line of Pez.  Great Halloween Pez. Comes loose and ready to display!

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(image for) Witch D Pez Mint in Bag

Witch D Pez Mint in Bag

The Witch D is the version of the Witch Pez that was featured in an episode of Buffy the Vampire Slayer! This Witch D pez comes mint in bag with pez candies!

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(image for) Witch D Pez Mint on Halloween Pumpkin and Witch Card

Witch D Pez Mint on Halloween Pumpkin and Witch Card

This Witch D pez is from the early 90s and it comes on a green background Halloween Pumpkin and Witch card with old 2 piece wrapper Pez candy packs. The blister is intact and in great shape!

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(image for) Witch D Pez Retired Non-Glowing Mint on European Striped Card

Witch D Pez Retired Non-Glowing Mint on European Striped Card

Witch D is now retired after being introduced in the 1991 Halloween Series.  This is the version of the Witch Pez that was featured in an episode of Buffy the Vampire Slayer!  This witch D comes mint on a European Striped Card with old style European Pez Candy packs.

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(image for) Witch D Pez Retired Non-Glowing No Copyright

Witch D Pez Retired Non-Glowing No Copyright

Witch D is now retired after being introduced in the 1991 Halloween Series.  This is the version of the Witch Pez that was featured in an episode of Buffy the Vampire Slayer! The first ones released had no copyright on the head, shown in the photo on the right side. The copyright PEZ 1971 was added in around 1994 as seen on the witch's hair on the left in the photo (for sale separately). This Witch D Pez with no copyright comes loose and ready to display!

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(image for) Witch D Pez Retired Non-Glowing with PEZ 1971 Copyright

Witch D Pez Retired Non-Glowing with PEZ 1971 Copyright

Witch D is now retired after being introduced in the 1991 Halloween Series.  This is the version of the Witch Pez that was featured in an episode of Buffy the Vampire Slayer! The first ones released had no copyright on the head, shown in the photo on the right side (for sale separately). The copyright PEZ 1971 was added in around 1994 as seen on the witch's hair on the left in the photo. This Witch D Pez with the PEZ 1971 copyright comes loose and ready to...

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(image for) Witch D Pez with Glow in the Dark Face Loose

Witch D Pez with Glow in the Dark Face Loose

Witch D Pez with a glow in the dark face was released in 2003 as a part of the new glow in the dark line of Pez, then discontinued the next year! Great Halloween Pez. This GITD Face Witch D comes loose and ready to display!

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(image for) Witch D Pez with Glow in the Dark Face MIP

Witch D Pez with Glow in the Dark Face MIP

Witch Pez with a glow in the dark face was released in 2003 as a part of the new glow in the dark line of Pez.  Great Halloween Pez.  Comes mint in the orange bag with candies!

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(image for) Witch E Pez Glow in the Dark Stem Printed with Bats Loose!

Witch E Pez Glow in the Dark Stem Printed with Bats Loose!

Witch E Pez has a green glow in the dark head and white glow in the dark stem. This pez was released in 2003 as a part of the new glow in the dark line of Pez. The stem has bats printed on it for an extra spooky look! Great Halloween Pez. Comes loose and ready to display!

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(image for) Black Bat Pez with Glow in the Dark Stem new for 2009 MIB

Black Bat Pez with Glow in the Dark Stem new for 2009 MIB

The Black Bat Pez has been added to the Halloween mix for 2009 and it looks awesome on its glow in the dark stem. This dispenser has semi-flexible wings and some wicked teeth! This great new Halloween Pez dispenser comes mint in bag with pez candies!  

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Displaying 65 to 78 (of 78 Products)