We apologize, we cannot currently ship to Canada. In a press release Dec. 23, 2024, the United States Postal Service states that while the Canada Post Employees strike has ended, there is a backlog of mail to be processed. Once the backlog is cleared in what is expected to be within the next two weeks, the USPS will resume accepting packages bound for Canada.

Boxed Set USA Presidential Pez Series Volume 9 - 1989 to present

The educational USA Presidential Pez Series is designed to help students learn about the US Presidents in a fun and interactive way. This is the ninth volume featuring George H.W. Bush, Bill Clinton, George W. Bush, and Barack Obama, all in in a bust up mold and a presidential seal puck to make the 5th dispenser for the volume. These pez dispensers represent the presidential terms from 1989 to present. This final volume set comes mint in the collectors box with a stunning look and with pez candy! This final volume is out of production and is sold out with Pez Co.

  • 1 Units in Stock


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