We apologize, we cannot currently ship to Canada. In a press release Dec. 23, 2024, the United States Postal Service states that while the Canada Post Employees strike has ended, there is a backlog of mail to be processed. Once the backlog is cleared in what is expected to be within the next two weeks, the USPS will resume accepting packages bound for Canada.

2005 FX Show Earth in Hand PEZ Purple/White

In 2005, the FX Show offered an exclusive Pez dispenser never before seen.  This is the hand holding the Earth, representing the "Coolest Show on Earth".  There were 8 variations offered in 2005, each with different pad print color combinations.  The white with a black outline was offered to the first 500 public entrants to the Saturday show, the pink with black outline was offered to those with a 3 day pass and the red with white outline was given to dealers and exhibitors.  The other variations were sold at the show and the orange with white outline was limited to only 50 made for staff. This pez comes loose and ready to display!

  • 1 Units in Stock


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