We apologize, we cannot currently ship to Canada. In a press release Dec. 23, 2024, the United States Postal Service states that while the Canada Post Employees strike has ended, there is a backlog of mail to be processed. Once the backlog is cleared in what is expected to be within the next two weeks, the USPS will resume accepting packages bound for Canada.

2 Old 2 Piece Peppermint LETS-PEZ Website Pez Candy Packs

This is a pair of 2 Starry Peppermint (Pfefferminz) flavor, two piece wrapper style pez candy packs advertising the LETS-PEZ.com website that were released with the Unicef Charity 80 yr PEZ Celebration Mickey Mouse dispensers in the Tubes with candies. These are the two piece wrapper style with an outer sleeve and a separate inner foil wrap for the candies. The candy is not intended for consumption as it is too old to eat, but these old 2 piece pez candy rolls are a great addition to the pez candy pack collectors collection! You get two rolls of candy so you can display both sides of the candy packs!


  • 1 Units in Stock


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